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This website is written to provide persons of faith substantial and significant evidence that Earth was designed by a Creator Who has provided for humankind’s every need.

This website does not deal directly with evolution or the origin of species. We focus instead on the origin of the Earth.

We propose cogent reasons why the Earth itself must have been Intelligently Designed. In so doing, we prove indirectly, but conclusively, that Darwin was wrong

God Created the Earth With Many Divine Gifts For Us

On Earth, a loving God has provided for our every need.

Where would humankind be if we did not have FIRE? And the WHEEL? Or GLASS?

Our ancestors learned to make fires and to use fire to make glass from sand.

Without glass, we would have no windows, telescopes or microscopes and no glasses. To this day, without glass, we would have no lightbulbs.

You could not start a fire or make glass on Mars, or on Venus, or on Jupiter or on any other planet.

Fire, wheels and glass are some of the many Divine Gifts that God gave us when he created the Earth.

There is so much more.

Where would humankind be without TREES? Trees give us firewood for our fires, apples, peaches and other fruits for our nutrition, lumber for building our houses and boats, and long ago, we used branches from trees to make our hunting tools.

Our ancestors made WHEELS from trees.

There are no trees on Mars, or Venus, or Jupiter or on any other planet.

Trees are one of the many Divine Gifts our loving God gave us when He created the Earth.

Earth has every kind of tree we need, including the crucial RUBBER TREE. From the sap of the rubber tree, our forefathers used fire to make the rubber we needed to insulate electrical wires. Without rubber, we could not have harnessed electricity.

You could not make rubber or light bulbs from anything found on Mars, or on Venus, or on Jupiter or on any other planet.

So now you better understand what we meant when we wrote On Earth, a loving God has provided for our every need.

There is so much more.

On Earth, we have plants and vegetables we can eat. On Earth, we have grains, like wheat and rice that we can store indefinitely, so we can have food at any later date. Where would man be without foods we could store for the times we cannot otherwise obtain food?

There are no plants, or grains, or vegetables we can eat on Mars, or on Venus, or on Jupiter, or on any other planet.

On Earth, we have animals that are our helpmates such as horses and dogs. And we have sheep that provide us wool, oxen that help us farm our lands, camels that help us travel the deserts, llamas that help us carry loads across our mountains, birds that inspired us to build airplanes, bees that pollinate much of our crops, silkworms that allow us to have silk.

And did you ever think about cotton? We get that from a plant and that is a Divine Gift, with love from God, our Father.

92 elements are found naturally on Earth, including iron, nickel, copper and aluminum. Copper is used for electrical wiring and we all know we need iron in order to make steel.

There is iron on Mars, and probably on some other planets. But you cannot make steel from iron without fire and you cannot have fire on Mars, or other planets. Here is why:

Did you know that our Earth’s atmosphere is absolutely perfect for having STABLE FIRES? Fire needs oxygen to burn and if our atmosphere had just one percentage less oxygen, fire would not burn and humankind would not have been able to make fires. But also, if our atmosphere had just one percentage more oxygen, fires would burn out of control.

The Earth’s atmosphere is perfect for us in every way.

All of this is just a part of the many gifts from God we take for granted. So let’s all admit it: If Earth did not have most of the above Divine Gifts, man would have perished from the Earth long ago.

Of course atheists would think that all of this is nonsense, mainly because atheists have an emotional attachment in this type of debate because they hate the very thought that there is a power higher than themselves. Atheists claim to be logical but they are actually blindly emotional whenever it comes to the presence of God.

But we suggest we should all look at this logically.

Logically speaking, there are just two possibilities. Either the Divine Gifts are provided by God, or the gifts came here by CHANCE.

Is there any evidence that Mother Earth’s Divine Gifts came about by chance?

Let’s go down that line of reasoning and see where it leads us.

With their Big Bang Theory and the Theory of Evolution, atheists have duped many in this world into believing that life on Earth came about by chance. According to these two theories:

Our entire existence is the result of only random and chance occurrences. Their theories claim that from chaos you can get order through a massive explosion, that life arose from atoms, and once life begins, there is an inexorable march toward intelligent life forms that can learn to build advanced civilizations like what we have on Earth.

One of the reasons that atheists are wrong about all this is because they are purposely ignoring the most important fact:

Randomness and chance almost always lead to failures. Chance creates mistakes and problems more than 99.99999 percent of the time.

For example, if you need 15 balls to fall into a perfect circle, and you throw up the 15 balls, they may fall into a perfect circle once in a trillion tries – but all the other times the 15 balls will not form the perfect circle.

That is how useful chance is – it works once in a trillion times, or even less.

But all the other times, chance makes a mistake and you do not get what you need.

Logically, this means that if all of the Divine Gifts on Earth came by chance, there would be evidence of failures and mistakes.

But there is no such evidence.

For example, was there ever a time when man was on Earth when the Earth’s atmosphere was so different that it could not sustain stable fires? And was there ever a time when man walked the Earth but there was no firewood to burn?

Or was the Earth always perfect in those ways?

If it was always perfect in those ways, then there is a 99.99999% certainty that it was the result of the loving hand of God. There is only a 0.00001% possibility it was all by chance.

When you really use logic to analyze the situation, the special gifts found on Earth is evidence that none of this is by chance, and all of the gifts are Divine Gifts from God.

Massive Amounts of Evidence There Is a Loving Creator

On this website, we will provide ample evidence that a loving God created the Earth and endowed Earth with Divine Gifts such that the Earth has everything we need to survive and flourish.

All the evidence we present is circumstantial evidence.

If you are an atheist or agnostic, you might argue that circumstantial evidence is not good enough and you require direct proof.

But all the evidence in support of Darwinian Evolution is also circumstantial evidence. Even Richard Dawkins admits this is a fact.

Richard Dawkins, the hero of atheists, and author of The God Delusion, readily admitted in his 2004 PBS interview that evolution hasn’t been observed and all the evidence supporting evolution is circumstantial evidence. Dawkins emphasizes that there is Huge quantities of circumstantial evidence.

Below is a complete unedited transcript of what professor Dawkins said about this:

BILL MOYERS: Is evolution a theory, not a fact?

RICHARD DAWKINS: Evolution has been observed. It’s just that it hasn’t been observed while it’s happening.

MOYERS: What do you mean It’s been observed?

DAWKINS: The consequences of. It is rather like a detective coming on a murder after the scene. And you… the detective hasn’t actually seen the murder take place, of course. But what you do see is a massive clue. Now, any detective…

MOYERS: Circumstantial evidence.

DAWKINS: Circumstantial evidence, but masses of circumstantial evidence. Huge quantities of circumstantial evidence…………

There you have it – professor Richard Dawkins, the atheists' number one hero, admits that evolution has never been observed and is supported only by circumstantial evidence.

[However, when we thoughtfully examine Dawkins’ masses of circumstantial evidence, we find that the evidence actually support creation more than they support evolution. We will write extensively about this on another website to be launched at a future date.]

Since professor Richard Dawkins admits that all the evidence in support of Darwinism is circumstantial evidence, then it is valid for us to use circumstantial evidence to support our conclusion that Earth must have been a product of Intelligent Design. And that is what we will do.

Ultimately, this website will provide ample amounts of circumstantial evidence in support of our conclusion that Earth is Intelligently Designed by a Creator Who has provided for our every need. We will present most of our evidence over the course of the next several months. Right now, we begin with a short essay about the Rain Cycle, and we will add more information from time to time.

Earth Was Designed By a Loving God To Provide For All Our Needs

Man could not have survived on any other planet.

In order for humankind to survive and flourish, we need:

  • Fire
  • Electricity
  • Foods that we could store and eat at a later time
  • Glass so we could have windows, light bulbs, telescopes, microscopes and glasses
  • Rubber in order to have electrical wiring
  • Trees that provide us material for building wheels and boats

And a host of other gifts from God we take for granted like cotton, wool, leather, iron, salt, fruits, vegetables, animal helpmates like horses or dogs.

Each of the above has been crucial to man.

The Earth has all of the above. There is no evidence that any other planet has any of the above and all of the above are necessary for humankind to have survived and flourished.

BUT THERE IS EVEN MORE. God's greatest gift to life on Earth is the RAIN CYCLE.

Atheists claim that water equals life and that finding water beyond Earth would be the equivalent of finding life itself.

But the truth is water by itself is not nearly enough to support life. Life actually requires a never-ending supply of clean drinkable water and the Earth is the only planet that provides this because Earth is blessed with the RAIN CYCLE.

Through the Rain Cycle, water, no matter how polluted, is purified by evaporation, becomes water vapor, rises in the sky to form rain clouds, and comes back down to Earth as clean drinkable rain water.

The Rain Cycle is a Miracle of God. The Rain Cycle makes water a renewable resource on Earth. Atheists are deluded and too blind to God to recognize this.

It never rains on Mars, or on Jupiter, or on Saturn, or on Triton ------ etc. Therefore there cannot be life on Mars, or on Jupiter, or on Saturn, or on Triton ------ etc.

Click here to read about one of God's greatest gifts to man , which is RAIN.